European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

Did you know that there are over 6000 languages spoken in the world?
Did you know that there are over 200 languages spoken in Europe?
Did you know that more than 50% of people in the world are bilingual?

This and more is what 2b learned during their celebration of European Day of Languages on 26th September.

Mrs Hampton taught the first part of the lesson in French and the students were able to identify the language and understand a few simple sentences. After that the students worked in groups to guess answers to three facts about languages around the world. They made very intelligent guesses.
The next task was a card matching game. The students had to match up the words „ European Day of Languages, 26th September“ in 10 different languages with the name of the language and they did a great job! Finally, we practiced saying hello in many different languages and in pairs we made colourful posters of how to say hello in many different languages.

All in all, we really liked trying out new languages and Ronja said at the end, „I really want to learn more languages. It‘s so much fun!“